POINTS OF THE YEAR: Finland's parliamentary elections and training of Tanzanians

Brother my readers today have seen me on a series of citizens and prepare the general elections of October 25 to learn is happening in other countries around the elections. Two weeks ago I wrote again for a second time about the election of Nigeria and happened at different levels of election o.Baada this article, I will come again another article about the general election of England which took place May 7, 2015. So I asked the brothers my reader we would walk with order learn from others to our poll this year to be better than the previous.
Legislative elections in Finland does not occur with the presidential election since the election of the leader of the country took place the last time on February 5, 2012 and put incumbent Tarja Halonen, who finished his time of two periods of his presidency and kumpisha Saul Niinistö kutocha Party National Coalition Party. He received 1,802,328 votes, which is 62.6 percent and the upcoming Presidential elections will be held in 2018.
In Finland there is also a council elections held in all municipalities does not occur in parallel with that of the president nor the legislature, although it takes place in one. So this election of mayors in all municipalities was held last October 28, 2012, By now a new party ruling Finland's Centre Party depth councilors 3077 out of a total of councilors 9614, when the National Coalition was kinaoongoza coalition government detailed councilors 1,735 party Social Democrats had the presidency for 30 years, they incorrectly depth councilors 1729.
Parliamentary elections which we can call as a general election was held April 19, 2015 and the opposition party led by Juha Sipilä to Centre Party emerged with the victory of lots 626 218 equivalent to seats 49 equivalent to 21.1 percent between the seats 200 in parliament. In countries operating parliamentary democracy is that it is the party with the most MPs embodies the government either alone or his wing is looking for partners to form a new government. Pilikwa Association of Finns victory is that rapture 524,054 votes equivalent to 38 parliamentary seats, which is equivalent to 17.7% and the third party was the Centre-Right National Coalition kilichonyakua 540,212 votes which amounts to 37 parliamentary seats, equal to 18.5%.
Social Democratic Party took fourth place with 490,102 voted equivalent to 34 parliamentary seats which is equal to 16.4 percent. Association five are Green Legue kilichopata vote 253,102, which is equivalent to 15 seats in parliament (8.5 percent), the party of six is ​​the Left Alliance which kiliata lots 211 702 (12 seats, 7.1 percent) and the association of seven Swedish People's Party which took votes 144 802 (9 seats, 4.9 percent) while the Christian Democrats got 105,134 votes that successfully seats 5 equivalent to 3.5%.
In many countries in Europe where parliamentary democracy is booming, it is very unlikely that one party alone to form a government since voters are educated enough that they will not relinquish one party to form a government, fearing the party to misuse bulk ilionao without fear to negotiate with mwinine any person. So many countries, especially in Western Europe over the same parties must cooperate to form a government for the benefit of its citizens.
The new government headed by Juha Sipila wealthy businessman who is responsible for communication issues that led Finland Centre Party, will take several weeks and will require the creation of two or three other parties in order to form a government with a sufficient quantity of parliament. Typically in Finland kinachoshika party a second chance for seats overwhelmingly given the position of Minister of Finance, although Finns party leader, Timo Soini has said he wants the ministry of foreign affairs. Along with keeping the second place party has lost one seat since 2011 got 39 seats while the National Coalition Party has lost much from the same 44 seats and 20.4% in 2011 to 37 seats equivalent to 18.5%.
Consortium led by National Coalition Party and kuvishirikisha other parties like the Social Democratic Party, Swedish People's Party and the Christian Democrats won the election in 2011 and became part of the ruling coalition and elect Jyrki KATAINEN be the Prime Minister who received votes 118 against 72 zilizomkataa. Some parties such as the Left Alliance coalition They left in 2014 for various reasons to leave the coalition if pngua number of MPs from 126 to 112.
In April, 2014 Jyrki KATAINEN announced kutogombea no place for chairmanship of the National Coalition Party (NCP) and instead was elected Alexander Stubb in June 2014 and became the new Prime Minister. Month September 2014 Green Party The Green League announced that is devoted to the cabinet for political reasons to stay away from the union and 102 MPs with the Speaker who usually does not vote. Given the situation the union was weak at the time of entry into the parliamentary elections.
Study first and largest in Tanzania is that Tanzanians should not agree to leave the bulk of the tragic seats or council for one party because we have experience of the party with the most seats using its abundance badly adopt decisions that sometimes less effective direct to the public. Ukigawa several parties more seats for one party helps to have a debate and reflection on the succession decisions to be beneficial to the citizens they serve. CCM has more than 75 percent of all MPs so that it could do anything, including constitutional reforms intended not prevented by any party that exists in parliament, which is very dangerous for multiparty democracy. It is a consultancy that any party kisipewe more than half of the seats to be courteous and forced to cooperate and negotiate with other parties each time prevailing bill or any issue in parliament.
POINTS OF THE YEAR: Finland's parliamentary elections and training of Tanzanians POINTS OF THE YEAR: Finland's parliamentary elections and training of Tanzanians Reviewed by mchapishaji on 1:34 PM Rating: 5

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