'Players of Tanzania did not know the sweetness of money'

Coach King Kibadeni in practice lies

Posted on Thursday, Januari16 2014 at 12:18 PM
In Summary
Wenger said: "Many players have become familiar and have been playing normally with the rest just lazy and this mostly stems from not knowing the sweetness of money through football.SHARE THIS STORYTweet
Ashanti coach United, Abdallah 'King' Kibadeni has said that if the Premier League as players mainland would have got to know the sweetness of football finance would very dedicates to stop their reckless games.
Wenger said: "Many players have become familiar and have been playing normally with the rest just lazy and this mostly stems from not knowing the sweetness of money through football.
"I took the initiative and fundraising through soccer is the kinachoniweka age and study until now, when money was small but our players were playing football level, there are now a lot of money, but the players did not send the money right.
"Players Bongo need to recognize and ensure they reap money through football, because football is a function of time say being sneaky is retirement with a good level you can get money through a coach as I do," said Kibadeni urging players to get up and fulfill their responsibilities accordingly.
Wenger has also asked the players not to rubuniwe and sell matches, but to work.
'Players of Tanzania did not know the sweetness of money' 'Players of Tanzania did not know the sweetness of money' Reviewed by mchapishaji on 12:05 PM Rating: 5

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